Our parish men’s ministry consists of two groups. One meets in the church every Saturday morning from 7-9am and the other meets one Thursday evening a month (usually the 1st Thursday) in the rectory from 7-9 p.m. We come together to help each other to grow in faith, stay strong in a world that continues to move away from our beliefs and moral positions and deepen our relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. We also strive to discover the ways that God calls each of us to serve Him in our families, parish and community. Attendance is not necessary at all meetings to be a member. If you can come every week/month, that’s great. If you can only come now and then, that’s great, as well. We welcome your presence with us. Both groups are open to men of other parishes and faiths.
Contact the Rectory 227-8382
John Bronzi: 656-2264, [email protected]
Anthony DiLullo: 201-952-5673, [email protected]